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A Luna's Curse Page 7
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Page 7
"I am loyal to those I have sworn to protect. I've been tested, not tormented." The words that leave my mouth are a lie, but I know she can't tell. Even I believe the explanation at times.
Instead of letting her continue whatever pity party she had been throwing for me inside of her head I give her my best version of a smile. My body pushes past hers and I walk into the hallway, leading her from the room that smelled of a male I wanted to avoid.
"Where's my treasonous guard at? Sucking up to anymore of your kind?" My question is asked with humor. I already knew Draven was spending time with these animals as though they were no different than us. He seemed to forget that when we arrived back at the castle, I would have to give punishment for his actions.
"He's spent most of his time asking about you. Especially after the fit you threw last night; we had to watch our Alpha crash through the house and then find him in the woods. You seem to cause chaos wherever you go." The woman laughs, as if anything about her words are funny.
I shoot her a strange look before making my way to the stairs, careful on my descent. She tries to take my arm, but I am quick to shake her off. These wolves could be a bit to friendly.
The first thing to greet me is the smell of bacon, which has my mouth watering and my mind fogging almost immediately. My stomach growls, and although I'm sure everyone in the room has heard I wasn't going to acknowledge my hunger.
This would be a strike, of some sort, and if starving myself was the only way to get out of this comfortable prison then so be it.
The wolves sit around, their eyes looking curiously over my frame.
"You've come to eat?" Draven jumps to his feet; his overly excited expression puts a damper on my mood. For some reason I had been hoping he would be less happy about being stuck here. It appeared he was well off, getting to know the beasts who refused to let me leave.
"I've come to get some fresh air, and plan how I will explain your sudden love for savages to my King." The words come out ruder than I'd planned, but I was irritated and hungry. He didn't need a kind act from my part.
I'm sluggish making my way to the door, and I hear a few growls once I get close enough. I glare at those baring their teeth, as if I would fear their show. The threat meant nothing. If anything, I hoped they'd attack.
"As if I can run in a cast." The words seem to calm them, logic sinks in and their beasts back down.
I realize they want to keep their guard down around me. They want to trust me, and that would be their biggest mistake. Their trust would get them all killed if I had any say in the matter.
When the wind hits me, I am relieved. The entire house had a slight smell to it, one that made my core burn more than I care to admit, and the fresh air immediately cooled my body. It was a beautiful territory, many homes around the property and there seemed to be a lot of activity between the members of their pack.
I'm sure it was a great place to grow up when you were half beast. Having free reign to run around, express yourself. The teenagers sprint around in human form, their laughter filling the air and making me want to duck back inside.
I am bitter in a way. I may even use the word jealous, as I knew I'd never been able to experience the fun. Instead of having friends and getting to joke around I had been trained at that age.
Cut, burned, humiliated.
Taught to give my life for my Kingdom.
A Kingdom that never gave me a life in return.
“When do you think Valor will come for you?" Draven's on my heels, maneuvering through the children as he rushes to get in front of me. I have no direction in mind, each turn throwing him off a bit.
"If our King comes for us, then he will murder every wolf on this land. Let's hope they let me go before Valor feels the need to make his way here."
The laugh released from my least favorite wolf is hard to ignore, but I keep my head straight. It's almost impossible to keep my eyes away from the male, my body going still as I clench my fists and fight my urges.
Elias moves closer, his steps powerful and demanding of attention. I refuse to give him what he wants.
"You act as though you don't want him to rid you of another pack." The beast speaks, the human side still losing whatever battle raged within.
"I don't get off on the death of any, I simply don't mind the consequences given for other actions.” My feet move slowly, my body not wanting to be any further from the man I crave. It's painful, that uncomfortable pit in my stomach growing. Hunger mixed with need.
"When that little man walks onto my territory," I spin towards the beast as he speaks, I recognize the threatening tone, "I'm going to rip him apart in front of you. Anyone who tries to take you away will die at my hands."
His words strike a strange chord, as I get a hot rise from them but at the same time, I want to hurt the man who threatens my King. It was my duty to protect the human male, and nothing would keep me from fulfilling that oath.
He'd have to kill me before he ever laid a hand on Valor.
"When I put a knife through your heart, will you finally comprehend how much I don't want you?" I expect the man to lose his mind.
Instead, Elias cocks his head to the side Eyes narrowing in on me as realization flashes through his eyes. I am curious as to what mystery he believes he's uncovered.
"You think I'd let you live without me?" It's a taunting whisper that comes from his full lips, and I feel my stomach drop at the words. I try to take a step away from him, unknowing off what he planned to do. I wanted no part in whatever plan just popped into his head.
"Elias don't you even-" Audra is cut off by the beast grabbing me, his black eyes focused on a part of me that I cannot cover up fast enough.
When his two long canines puncture my neck, I scream. A sound I had never heard from my own mouth as my nails dig into his wrist and drag across his face.
I try to push him off, kicking and fighting with everything I have while Elias digs in deeper. The sounds of pleasure leaving his throat disgust me.
There is pain, an unbelievable amount but then the feeling of bliss fades into me. My body relaxing against his naturally as we seem to entwine. I can almost feel his happiness for this moment.
It's a projection of emotion, not the real thing I realize.
I can tell when my numbness hits him, because he falls to his knees. We crash into the ground as he pulls out of my neck with a gasp, a long groan leaving him as he feels the nothingness of my existence. Elias is getting a lot more from this than I am.
My fingers claw into the dirt as I move away, dragging my body as far from the man as possible. His hands are in his hair, tearing it from the roots as he moans in pain.
Audra kneels next to the man, the hand that reaches for him is bitten. He wants nothing to do with the female and a surge of pride goes through my body. He only wants me.
I have no want to comfort the male who just forced something that I did not understand upon me. His body convulses with each realization that hits him. Large hands beat at the ground, as if he could break through the earth and be free of the torment of his soul. Perhaps it was my soul that was tormenting him.
"What's happening to him?" I question, eyes never leaving the beast. I'm intrigued by every move he makes.
"Every feeling you've ever encountered, is hitting him." Audra's voice is raw, full of emotion as she stares at him from her knees. She seems as tortured as her Alpha, and when her eyes turn to me, I see the endless tears that fall from them. "May the Moon help you if you ever endure this."
Chapter 12
Elias doesn’t stop watching me for the rest of the day. No matter where I go, I can feel his eyes on me, for what reason I am unsure.
I stayed near the pack, holding conversations with most of the wolves I pass by. It’s strange at first. Everyone seems calm as they tell me about their family, or how long they’ve been in the pack. They ask a few questions, wanting to know more about my past and occasionally I receive an inquiry about the marks that cove
r me.
“I know you haven’t been eating, but if you’d be interested, we have sandwiches inside.” A woman holding a small child against her chest grins at me. She’s about my height, with long brown hair and very friendly demeanor. I hesitate with my answer, wanting nothing more than to shove food in my mouth.
The pup she holds lets out a soft sigh as she rocks it back and forth, awaiting my reply. I’d been enjoying the past few hours of talking with these people. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have a little food with them.
“Can I get some water as well?” I had been getting a little hot since the beast had sunk his teeth into me. Audra had wiped my neck and went on with her day when the whole situation with Elias ended. I’d done my best to get away from them, as I doubted, I’d be getting an explanation for the biting of my neck anytime soon.
Irritating, but I wasn’t as upset about it as I should be.
“Of course, you can!” The woman is excited, ushering me into the cabin and rushing to bring the half-asleep child somewhere. It’s a cozy home. A small living room with simple furniture and a fireplace, my feet lead me through the room and to a kitchen that’s surprisingly large.
On the granite counter sit piles of food. I suspected she was the one keeping these animals fed during the day. My hands grab for something resembling a turkey sandwich just as she makes her way in.
“I appreciate the food,” I say lightly, not making eye contact as I take the first bite. Before I can stop myself, I have inhaled the sandwich, my stomach already feeling better with the food in my system.
“I don’t let anyone starve in this pack, Luna. My name is Leena by the way.” My eyes watch as she digs through a drawer in the fridge to bring out a water bottle, which I catch happily in my hands.
“Keres, that’s what I should be called. I’m not sure what Luna means.” She motions for me to take a seat and places a plate of the breaded delicacies in front of me. I’m quick to begin stuffing myself full.
“A Luna, in this pack, is the equivalent to the Alpha. It’s a position that holds a lot of power, and a lot of responsibility. If you accept it, I believe you will fit the role perfectly.” Leena looks around the corner of the kitchen, checking on her pup I would have to guess. “It may not be large, but you do have a heart. The loyalty you hold for your Kingdom is inspirational, and to have someone with that much dedication leading us. Well, we’d be great.”
The smile she gives me is genuine.
“You’re the only one who seems to believe I have a choice in the position.” My eyes wander around, looking over the fridge that holds dozens of photos.
My eyes stay on the picture of her and a male, both smiling widely. Their eyes are locked, and he has his hand placed on her very pregnant belly. It must have been a very sweet moment for the two wolves. I don’t recognize the man.
“Everyone has a choice, and when it comes time for you to decide to stay or leave us, I will stand behind whatever you may choose. I want what is best for our pack, but you deserve what’s best for you.”
A smile touches my lips, unable to stop it as I feel a strange feeling move through me. Her words touched something, and I couldn’t move as I wait for it pass. Her eyes stay glued to me.
“It’s a little hard to make a decision, when you don’t understand the choices.” Leena goes to reply, but the door in the living room burst open and I hear a man calling her name. She rolls her eyes and calls him into the kitchen.
The beast grabs her, pulling her close to his body as he tries to keep her shielded from me. I raise a brow, interested in the situation unfolding in front of my eyes. The woman smiles at the man as he holds her, seemingly amused at his reaction.
“I told you I did not want her alone with you.” Her mates voice is a growl, anger reverberating through him as I’m sure a whirl wind of possibilities goes through his mind. I like the way he looks at me.
He sees me as a threat, not some innocent little woman with purple hair.
He knows what I am, and what I am capable of. He was wrong in assuming I would ever hurt the woman, or child, in this home however and a flare of irritation fueled me to stand. I tilt me head to him, giving him a small smile before sticking my hand out. The man looks at it confused but seems to relax a bit as my show of respect.
I pull my hand back after a few moments, but he lets his woman go and gets a less protective stance. I see that as progress.
“The poor woman hasn’t eaten in days! You know I couldn’t leave her out on those streets with an empty belly.” Leena gives a small frown to the man, who seems to melt under her pathetic gaze. She’s a good manipulator, I note.
“You just should’ve invited a few others, or at least her mate.” He finally turns back to me; eyes still weary of me. I can tell he’s thinking of all the ways I could murder them in this kitchen. “Alpha Elias is waiting outside for you.”
A cry from the living room has Leena leaving the room swiftly, bringing her child with her as she continues listening to our exchange. I wonder if they’d let me live here until it’s time for me to be released. Living with the savage seemed less than appealing, but Leena is fun.
“You know, I actually have a few things to speak to him about. Here,” Leena gently pushes the half sleeping child into my arms, “take Ana while I have a quick word with your male.” The child curls into my warm chest, and I feel my heart stop for a moment when she leaves the room.
I know I must look insane Wide eyed and stiff with a creature I’ve never held cuddled into my body. Her mate is watching me carefully, waiting for me to try and kill his young but I am so caught up in the child that I don’t care.
It’s cute. Undeniably adorable. The little girls’ eyes close, and soft purrs leave her puckered lips. My finger come up to lightly trace her nose, brushing down until the tiny beast captures the finger in her hand and coddles it. A part of my insides warm at the sight.
Gently I rock her, taking small steps around the kitchen.
I had never held a child before, as the Queen had never truly trusted me with anything that could not properly defend itself. My eyes couldn’t leave the beautiful being in my arms, an ache in my chest as I craved for something that I could not understand.
“You’re going to be a lovely mother someday, Keres.” My eyes snap up at Leena’s words. Fascinated male eyes meet mine as I had over her child, disappointed by the lack of weight in my arms when she is gone. Elias looks at me like I’ve just hung the stars in his twisted sky.
We just stand there, staring at one another while the other wolves in the room watch us interact. I feel hostility when I look at him. The heat creeping up my neck tells a different story however, as I feel the heat of where his hands have been on me. I could see him thinking about it, I could tell by his nostrils flaring and those big hands clawing at his thighs. A sexual tension so thick hanging between us.
I hoped it would fade away, but when the male takes a step towards me it cloaks me. Wrapping around my body, making every piece of me hum for touch.
The spot on my neck burns ferociously, pushing me to beg for his tongue to take away its fire. The bastard did this.
I cut off the line of lust we had between us quickly, glaring at him before walking past the beasts. Each step more painful than the last.
“Thank you very much for the food, Leena. It was very nice meeting you.” I hiss the words, barely able to get them out as my chest clenches from the distance between me and male who’d put his teeth through me not long ago,
“You’re welcome anytime!” She calls out. I hear the male that plagues my thoughts call out, heavy steps behind me as I throw myself past the threshold of the home. I’m pathetically slow, the cast keeping me from making my dramatic escape a success.
“Keres! Keres, we need to talk about this.” I throw my middle finger to him, hoping it gets the point across. Perhaps I could limp my way home. With a sharp turn to my left I head to the trees. It’s a distance, one that would be covered more efficie
ntly if my damn leg wasn’t encased.
The wolf doesn’t stop following me, he keeps a good distance between us but as I near the tree line he gets closer. I’m waiting for him to warn me, to threaten me if I don’t get my ass back to that house. He stays silent, other than a few grunts and hisses.
I breathe in deeply while I walk between the trees, enjoying the sense of freedom I get from being in such a wild setting. It wasn’t often that I got to spend this long out of the castle, and on the times, I had the privilege I was always surrounded by others. My duties always hanging above me like a guillotine. Reminding me that my freedom was never real.
I’d always be trapped in my oaths for the Kingdom.
“I can smell how much you want me.” I spin around, leaves and sticks rustling from the sudden move.
I know I look feral.
Elias is amused. Those big eyes hold his lust for me, and I feel the tingles as he moves them down my body. I want to slap him for looking at me like that. As if I was the last piece of cake and he was craving dessert. The thought of his mouth on me has my breathing picking up.
Sweet fucks I wanted this man.
I wanted him to die at my hands, after he roughly took me and made my body feel every pleasure his had to offer.
“You forced this from me.” I hiss. Golden eyes narrow, my accusation not sitting well.
“The mark only heightens what you already feel, it doesn’t create things from thin air! Our bond only strengthens now, meaning that when you finally decide to try to kill me,” he quickly approaches me, “you will die by my side. We are one now. Our souls are wrapped together and the death of one, means the death of us both.”
I stare at the beast. I crave to know more, but I don’t believe the shit spewing from his mouth. It had a touch of sense, as I do feel an incredible amount of lust for him. The projection I’d had of how he felt pushed that the words he spoke rang truth, but there’s no way to bond people together. If he died, that wouldn’t mean I would die.